AlexandroMtzG / remix-workflows
Workflow Builder with, React Flow, Prisma, and Tailwind CSS.
☆86Updated 3 months ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for remix-workflows:
Users that are interested in remix-workflows are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- Knowledge Base starter kit with WYSIWYG, Markdown, GPT, and Multi-language support. Built with Remix, Tailwind CSS and Prisma.☆80Updated 10 months ago
- Remix Edition - Notion-style WYSIWYG editor with AI-powered autocompletion.☆51Updated last year
- A collection of documentation, components, and resources for building multi-tenant applications.☆136Updated last month
- Drag and drop email builder. Manage email lists, design and develop campaigns with the custom editor and send/schedule emails.☆77Updated last year
- The quickest and easiest way to add a Zapier-like workflow UI experience to your product. Define actions in your backend and expose a Wor…☆107Updated last week
- A NextJS, Tailwind, TRPC, Prisma, and NextAuth Starter Project that makes getting an app up and running as easy as possible☆51Updated 2 years ago
- ✨ The subscriber platform for React Flow Pro. View advanced code examples, invite your team members and manage your subscription.☆89Updated 2 months ago
- A Remix CRM website leveraging Turso's numerous databases☆41Updated last year
- The Next.js (App Router) boilerplate that saves you 150+ hours of setup hassle -> Turborepo + Next.js + NextAuth + Prisma + Radix (shadcn…☆115Updated last year
- Example API using Cloudflare Workers, Drizzle ORM and Neon☆42Updated 6 months ago
- Template repository for building a custom component registry for shadcn/ui☆17Updated 3 months ago
- Global search interface with filter and infinite scrolling functionality.☆104Updated last month
- 🥭 open-source affiliate marketing tool☆137Updated 3 weeks ago
- Transactional emails in Next.js using Resend and Inngest☆26Updated last year
- Dingify is helping you unlock the power of seamless real-time monitoring☆196Updated 5 months ago
- E2E Typed Access Control☆68Updated last year
- Database per user☆82Updated last month
- Interactive workflow builder using React Flows, Next.js, and Shadcnui. Create, connect, and validate custom nodes easily.☆54Updated last month
- Build your own Log Analytics using Tinybird☆55Updated last year
- Composable React components for building interactive roadmaps.☆226Updated last week
- 🔆 Fullstack boilerplate using Remix, Next.js, Expo, Prisma, TypeScript, tRPC and many more!☆84Updated last month
- 🗃️ Turn-key solution for signed & secure file-uploads to an S3 compliant storage service such as R2, AWS, or Minio. Built for Next.js. G…☆102Updated this week
- Example application using the Novel Editor.☆92Updated last year
- Monorepo template with Turborepo, Next.js, Expo, Clerk, Convex☆56Updated 4 months ago
- 🌟 A React component that automatically creates a @shadcn/ui form based on a zod schema.☆27Updated 10 months ago
- Nextjs starter template with support for personal accounts, teams, permissions and subscription billing☆28Updated last month
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- Provides a mechanism for executing long running tasks on NextJS edge api-handlers☆37Updated 10 months ago
- ☆78Updated last year
- Radix From with Remix Run :)☆15Updated last year