30lm32 / ml-hairstyle-classification
Discovering hairstyle trends at a global scale on Instagram. Instagram posts have been clustered together into hairstyles
☆17Updated 6 years ago
Alternatives and similar repositories for ml-hairstyle-classification:
Users that are interested in ml-hairstyle-classification are comparing it to the libraries listed below
- ☆31Updated 5 years ago
- Computer Vision and Deep Learning photo editing app to virtually try on different hairstyles from reference photos.☆18Updated this week
- Disentangled Makeup Transfer with Generative Adversarial Network☆118Updated 5 years ago
- Implement some hair segmentation network and a color similarity calculating method.☆85Updated 4 years ago
- ☆18Updated 5 years ago
- A Real Time Makeup Application System including lipstick, eyebrow, blush, eye shadow and foundation☆17Updated 6 years ago
- Semantic segmentation for hair, face and background☆124Updated 5 years ago
- Virtual hair makeover from image processing project.☆35Updated 2 years ago
- A sequel to the existing Virtual Makeup repository https://github.com/srivatsan-ramesh/Virtual-Makeup☆51Updated 8 years ago
- A re-implementation of BeautyGAN: Instance-level Facial Makeup Transfer with Deep Generative Adversarial Network (ACM MM'18)☆78Updated 3 years ago
- Python script to apply lipstick, blush and nail polish to images☆140Updated 7 years ago
- Parsing different parts of the face using semantic segmentation.☆40Updated 2 years ago
- Face swap and 3D alignment from a single image based on PRNet☆108Updated 5 years ago
- Hair Mask RCNN using matterport model☆27Updated last year
- Easy-to-use face related tools, including face detection, landmark localization, alignment & recognition, based on PyTorch.☆65Updated 5 years ago
- A collection of deep learning frameworks ported to Keras for face analysis.☆276Updated 3 years ago
- OpenCV python program automatic facial makeup☆55Updated 7 years ago
- "Hair detection, segmentation, and hairstyle classification in the wild"☆198Updated 3 months ago
- The code for our newly accepted paper in Pattern Recognition 2020: "U^2-Net: Going Deeper with Nested U-Structure for Salient Object Dete…☆117Updated 3 years ago
- Developing code on semantic segmentation for Extended Labeled Faces in the Wild☆19Updated last year
- ☆10Updated 4 years ago
- FCN, U-Net models implementation in TensorFlow for fashion clothing parsing☆38Updated 4 years ago
- This is the unofficial implementation of SieveNet: A Unified Framework for Robust Image-Based Virtual Try-On☆63Updated 3 years ago
- Eyeglasses, Mustache, Beard, and Hat classification using Tensorflow☆24Updated 4 years ago
- Neural Network for Dying Hair💈☆61Updated 5 years ago
- Original implementation of the paper "VITON-GAN: Virtual Try-on Image Generator Trained with Adversarial Loss" by Shion Honda.☆101Updated 5 years ago
- Virtural try-on under arbitrary poses☆217Updated 3 years ago
- [ECCV 2018] ReenactGAN: Learning to Reenact Faces via Boundary Transfer☆197Updated 4 years ago
- pytorch implementation of the paper VOGUE. It transfers cloth from one person to other by latent code interpolation optimization.. a pote…☆44Updated 3 years ago
- ☆55Updated 6 years ago